First first-author paper! "EyeMU Interactions, Gaze + IMU Gestures on Mobile Devices"

Timespan: June 2020 - October 2021

Published: 2021-12-01

Second paper!

EyeMU Interactions: Gaze + IMU Gestures on Mobile Devices (PDF) (DOI)

I'm excited to announce my trend in publishing in HCI! Woohoo!! Check out the paper itself here, or the conference submission + stats here.

I led this project starting last last summer. I had actually begun coding a smartphone eye tracker with my friend when I found out Karan was working on the same thing with his friend, and we decided to merge with me as the lead. Good times. Like Yang Zhang says, when you're the first author, there's a lot of little fires that you are responsible for putting out. I did not understand his tweet until I had finished this paper.

As far as takeaways, I learned how to train huge neural networks on massive data, how to deploy them on smartphones through Tensorflow.JS, and how to ask other researchers for help implementing their papers.

I also learned to make a conference submission: paper writing and figure generation, coding up demos and recording me using them, video editing software, responding to peer reviews, and the bureaucratic stuff.

As far as attending the conference, I had a great time in Montreal (ICMI '21) and met some kind Germans. Good views, and not much research discussion (though maybe enough to be useful).

Big thank you to NSF + UMich for funding my travel after I found out CMU didn't want to do it! Hoping to go to more conferences in the future! Cya around :)