Log | Andy Kong

Testing in Progress:

Solar energy harvesting

August 25, 2024
~534 words

Testing out the R1801K

Practical Quantified Self Data Analysis, Pt. 1

May 7, 2024
~661 words

Functions you'll need

Different ways to black-out holograms

April 28, 2024
~412 words

Paint vs. tape

How To Set ATtiny Fuses (with Arduino as ISP)

April 23, 2024
~559 words

Change clocks, reduce startup delay, and more!

Immersive Space Workarounds In The Vision Pro

April 21, 2024
~596 words

Quick Immersion

Is Morse Code Letter-Frequency Optimal?

April 12, 2024
~612 words

Most common letters vs. Morse code length

Power profiling a thermal printer camera

April 7, 2024
~533 words

Exposing the internals of a dinosaur-shaped children's camera I got in Shenzhen

Testing out the BPW34

March 4, 2024
~701 words

Tiny experiments with a tiny solar cell

Timezone correcting Fitbit sleep data using Google Timeline

February 12, 2024
~402 words

My last post on dealing with terrible Fitbit data

A computer scientist's guide to I2C

February 5, 2024
~944 words

Illustrated via minimal example of ATtiny85 to DS3231 communication using TinyWireM

Programming an ATtiny85V using an Arduino

February 2, 2024
~930 words

Blink & SoftwareSerial & ADC, oh my!

My Quantified-Self Data Stack

January 26, 2024
~939 words

Many cool self-insights and the data logging methods used

Fitbit timestamps cannot be trusted

January 15, 2024
~495 words

Please recommend me alternatives

Bionic reading doesn't help you read faster

January 11, 2024
~575 words

An N=1 experiment

How sleep deprivation affects my cognition

January 10, 2024
~489 words

Correlating my Stroop with sleep data

Reading speed comparison on paper vs screens

January 9, 2024
~627 words

Also reflections on the Percy Jackson series

Shot comparisons between an iPhone and digital camera

December 23, 2023
~503 words

Sensor size matters!

Teardown of the Freestyle Libre 2 Continuous Glucose Monitor

December 18, 2023
~792 words

Pictures and wild speculation

Timezone correcting Fitbit sleep data

November 30, 2023
~919 words

How to get your sleep data in UTC so you can actually do anything with it

Breakdown of my most used Alfred Workflows

November 26, 2023
~504 words

Is Alfred worth buying?

How to stop noisy NeoPixels

May 31, 2023
~508 words

Audible annoyance from WS2812B LEDs

Infoglobe Tutorial Pt. 3 — Software

April 9, 2023
~447 words

Adding bits to our atoms

Infoglobe Tutorial Pt. 2 — Hardware Integration

October 15, 2022
~2067 words

Letting go of externalized electronics

Making clear gelatin from porcine sheets

October 4, 2022
~977 words

From Jello you came, and to Jello you shall return

Infoglobe Tutorial Pt 1 — Hardware Prototyping

October 1, 2022
~1359 words

Hacking a new brain into the Infoglobe

Setting up Electric Tables v0.2

April 22, 2022
~717 words

Shoutout to Tom Critchlow

Supercapacitor To Lithium Battery Converter

February 14, 2022
~651 words

To enable powering all lithium battery devices with chunky supercaps instead

Replacing Timing.app

January 9, 2022
~897 words

Doing self-logging

Learning AppleScript

January 5, 2022
~1971 words

Several examples of AppleScripts for Spotify, current app, etc.

How Good Are Stock Watchlists Anyway?

December 25, 2021
~632 words

Fact-checking Timothy Sykes

Real Time Fourier Transform Using Shaped Aperture

September 20, 2021
~801 words

Light speed!

Measuring 150 Amps With A DIY Shunt

September 6, 2021
~1280 words

Speccing a 150A@5V power supply, the NJE MK750

Fast-charging capacitors

August 9, 2021
~779 words

Who has time for 5RC?

Everything I Know About PEDOT:PSS

August 5, 2021
~411 words

For now...

Sugar-Metering My First Watermelon

July 27, 2021
~481 words

Tastes like Capri-sun! Bonus: Lychee and Longan

How to get access to your Fitbit data (API tutorial)

July 26, 2021
~406 words

Navigating a slightly complicated process for API noobs

Comparing The Sugar Percentage Of Peach Juice vs. Sugary Drinks

July 23, 2021
~895 words

Testing out a sweet scientific instrument

Paper Delivery: Sinusoidal Skin Displacements

June 22, 2021
~883 words

Retro papers you probably missed, but shouldn't have!

Finding My Pacinian Corpuscles in vivo

June 16, 2021
~827 words

If only Galen had had a vibrating motor

Recreating the Traxion psychophysics effect

June 2, 2021
~388 words

Only 8 years late!

MacGyvering Electronics From Merch

May 31, 2021
~452 words

TFW no batteries :(

Stimulating the Merkel Discs: selective nerve stimulation with a TENS unit

May 23, 2021
~509 words

The Firm Handshake-inator 3000

Body Channel Communication Tutorial Pt. 3

May 15, 2021
~1063 words

Reinventing the radio and using touch as the antenna

Outro to Intro to Woodworking

April 29, 2021
~379 words

Crate, shelf, stool

Body Channel Communication Tutorial Pt. 2

April 27, 2021
~1064 words

Look Ma, no shared ground!

Body Channel Communication Tutorial Pt. 1

April 17, 2021
~1247 words

Harnessing the body's conductivity as a signal path

Intro to Intro to Woodworking

March 24, 2021
~297 words

There's always money in the banana stand

MPR121 Touch Sensing Across Barriers

March 13, 2021
~315 words

Testing capacitive coupling across various barriers

5050 LED Strip Teardown

February 20, 2021
~579 words

Repurposing an LED light strip controller and power supply

Blink Detection Using Infrared Reflective Sensors

February 12, 2021
~424 words

Experiments in focus tracking.

Calculating the expected value of the PA scratch offs

February 4, 2021
~613 words

It's ok, all proceeds pay for the benefits of older residents of Pennsylvania

Detecting instantaneous frequency is hard

January 31, 2021
~403 words

Major blockades to fast, effective BCI

Touch Reactive LEDs

January 29, 2021
~475 words

Electronic piano, anyone?

Oversampling vs. Averaging for Noise Reduction

January 24, 2021
~846 words

Spoiler: always oversample.

Comparing the interface speed of a thermostat to a keyboard

January 21, 2021
~4084 words

Calculating the human-computer bandwidth of common and uncommon input devices using information transfer rate

Trying out various peak detection techniques for the SSVEP

January 18, 2021
~1340 words

Garbage in, garbage out.

EEG fails in the prescence of household EMI

January 17, 2021
~823 words

I am beginning to have doubts on the feasibility of everday BCIs...

My new favorite EEG technique: Phase-rectified signal averaging

January 13, 2021
~277 words

Basic method of aligning waves helps when averaging out noise from long time-series

Preliminary 5W LED Tests

January 6, 2021
~494 words

Projecting 5W of light onto a wall — DIY Projector

Fresnel Lens

January 5, 2021
~449 words

Making flat lenses using special surface ridging

Hello World for Brain-Computer Interfaces

December 31, 2020
~620 words

Detecting alpha wave activity with EEG to predict whether my eyes are open or closed

Working with BrainFlow pt. 1

December 30, 2020
~667 words

A new way to stream OpenBCI data to Python

Testing out some high power LEDs

December 28, 2020
~271 words

Casting light on far away surfaces using 3W LEDs

Easy Button Hack Pt. 1

December 24, 2020
~261 words

Learning about SD cards, transistor audio amps, Arduino sleep and interrupts

Improving noisy EEG data through single channel averaging

December 18, 2020
~1183 words

How to get rid of Gaussian noise using a single electrode's measurements

Coin vibration motors arrived!

December 14, 2020
~274 words

Now I can do "haptic feedback"

Playing sounds with an Arduino, speaker, and no amplifier

December 13, 2020
~927 words

LM386 audio amplifier? I 'ardly know her!

Analog Electronics Basics: Scaling Voltage Rails

December 8, 2020
~1103 words

What to do when your circuit outputs -5V to +5V but your ADC only takes 0-5V

Remote Photoplethysmography (PPG) Tutorial

December 7, 2020
~535 words

A guide on how to pronounce the word, and how to implement it in Python

Exploring USB-A breakout cables

December 4, 2020
~233 words

The normal USB cable

Myo3 Noise Specs

November 29, 2020
~422 words

1.24µV of noise at 500,000x gain on a DIY electromyography sensor

Why are Javascript libraries so annoying

November 28, 2020
~564 words

What do you mean everything is a global???

Teensy DAQ: ADC Oversampling on the Teensy 4.0 microcontroller

November 27, 2020
~536 words

300 kSPS to 1 kSPS faster than you can say "free bits"

Myo3 EMG sensor initial tests

November 26, 2020
~523 words

It's like they always say, the hard part's the software

Speed Check — Generating a list of a range of a len

November 25, 2020
~639 words

Why does matplotlib set_data not take an iterable :(

Putting together Myo3, the 3rd iteration of my EMG sensor

November 22, 2020
~557 words

My third PCB!

Histogram Equalization

November 20, 2020
~397 words

Using all your dynamic range to make black and white images look sick!

Creating panorama images manually, pt 2!

November 18, 2020
~134 words

Better stitching by doing something really easy I just forgot to consider

Creating panorama images manually

November 17, 2020
~628 words

Experiments in holography

Playstation Eye does not work for MacOS!

November 15, 2020
~256 words

Mac doesn't play nice with weird USB webcams :(

Spudging PCB Stencils for Beginners

September 14, 2020
~387 words

How to lay out 50 components on a board really fast

Privacy screen

September 9, 2020
~999 words

Only cool kids can see this laptop!

Digital Holograms

June 18, 2020
~171 words

Displaying 3D images on a 2D computer screen

Speed checking Python built-in functions

May 25, 2020
~159 words

Calling str, type, etc. is free... right?

Variable resistance tests of Velostat/Linqstat

May 17, 2020
~591 words

Testing the effects of bending, twisting, and touch on the conductive plastic Velostat.

Speed Check

May 10, 2020
~132 words

What's the fastest way to record a stream of strings in Python?

Spin Tank Proof-of-Concept Test

August 20, 2019
~641 words

A new configuration for some old kinds of armor

Advanced addition and speedup of neural network evaluation

August 1, 2019
~467 words

Linear functions and what it means for Neural Network acceleration

Simple arithmetic addition with neural networks

July 17, 2019
~897 words

I have stumbled across a new way to add numbers.